Reminder – GMM Meeting with Steward Elections

Date: Tuesday April 23, 2024

Time: 12pm-1:30pm

Location: Sutherland Campus – KTTC D1112

Additional Details:

In-person only to allow for voting by confidential ballot.

Lunch Provided


Statements from Stewards:

Hello! Bonjour! Annii!

As our union moves through a period of change I wanted to reach out to share that if elected as a steward, I plan to offer myself as president of our local union. For those who may not know me well, allow me to introduce myself briefly.

My journey at Fleming College began in September 2010, transitioning from a contract faculty position at Trent University and Ontario Tech University (known then as UOIT). The decision to join Fleming as a partial-load professor was driven by my deep belief in the transformative power of college education.

After initially teaching as a partial-load faculty member and subsequently securing a full-time position in 2014, I became a steward to gain a deeper understanding of our collective agreement and our rights and responsibilities within it. Growing up in a union household, with both my parents being union members instilled in me a profound appreciation for collective activism and its positive effects on workers and families.

In 2017, I took on my first leadership role in the union serving as the communications officer. During a stressful bargaining round when our division was advocating for quality education and improved working conditions, I worked with the team to keep our members informed, attempt to maintain morale, and foster solidarity within our union.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, I pursued a sabbatical to study data science and analytics, earning a secondary Master’s degree in analytics. This knowledge is empowering me to reimagine and modernize our approach to mobilizing membership and defending our members’ interests.

As we navigate uncharted territory in our sector, I believe I possess the experience, drive, and tenacity to lead us forward. However, I recognize that I can’t do it alone.

I would appreciate your support in this journey.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss my candidacy further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly at

Thank you for your consideration,

Together, we are stronger.

In solidarity,

Victoria (Vikki) Maystruk Falls

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